Friday, 3 December 2010

Shooting Schedule and Script

Henley College
18th October

Setting up equipment, doing a few test shots
Henley College
Henley Town

19th October
General public
Asking the public/students a few questions on the subject of our documentary, to get different perspectives
Henley college
Henley Town

21st October

General public
Continue to film and ask questions
Henley college
Henley Town

25th October

Filming a few shots of the town/college to get a ‘establishing shot’
Henley College Classroom

26th October
E.D patients
Start to film and interview the patients, in a quiet and private room. Interviewing them about their eating disorder

Henley College Classroom

1st November

E.D patients
Continue to film and interview them
Henley College Classroom

2nd November

E.D patients
Finish off our questions, and finish filming them
Henley Town

4th November

E.D patients
Film them from a distance and finish off any unfinished filming
5th November

Shooting Script

[Music Fades In]
[Establishing shot of narrator walking towards camera]
 [MS of the narrator]
[Music fades out]

Narrator: In this documentary we are going to take a special look and view at the very relevant and serious issue of Eating Disorders. Let’s take a look at peoples various opinions on the matter...

                     [Music slowly fades in]
 [Close-up shot of each member of the public]
[Music fades out]

Actors :( each actor gives a brief description individually answering the questions)

[Statistics appear on screen in front of an establishing shot of all the people that were interviewed]

Narrator: a shocking 1.1 million people in the UK alone are affected by an eating disorder, also that females are 10 times more likely than males to be affected by an eating disorder and that only 25% of women are happy with their weight. Pressures from the media endorse this as 91% felt it was bad that the media always portray so-called perfect women.

Narrator: Before we take a closer look, at [states names of patients] we decided to go and ask the public a few questions about the subject and see if we can get a few different views
[LS of narrator walking into town]
[Tracking the Narrator]
Narrator: Can you spare a few minutes to participate in our documentary?
Person 1: ?
Questions that the narrator is going to ask the public:
1.  Do you have much knowledge on the subject of eating disorders?
2.  Do you know anyone that has been affect by an eating disorder?
3.  Do you have a view on eating disorders?
4.  What do you think is the meaning of an eating disorder is?
5.  What comes to mind when someone mentions an eating-disorder?
6.  What do you think are the causes of an eating disorder?

[MS of narrator]
Narrator: Sums up findings of the public interviews
Questions to ask the patients

1.  What was your lowest point?
2.  What made you admit to yourself that you had a problem?
3.  How is your relationship with food now?
4.  What was your lowest weight?
5.  When did you really start recovering?
6.  How did it start?
7.  What helped you through it, why didn’t you just give up?
8.  How long have you been diagnosed for?

   [LS of the patients walking away together]

Day 1:
Wednesday 27th October:
Location: Reading-Forbury Gardens-Location had nice scenery, much greenery and a public place. Reminiscent of the clinic grounds Marina stayed at.
Clothing Casual
Sainsbury’s in Reading, easy access to shots of food and magazines.

11am - Forbury gardens - panning shot of scenery (include water fountain in shot) (10 minuts maximum)

11.10am - Forbury gardens - interview between Joe and marina (40 minutes maximum)

12am - Sainsbury’s - panning shot of magazine stands, and film plan of various food products.

Day 2
Thursday 28th October
Location: Henley College - Rotherfield Benches - Nice scenery in background, common place for students to be having lunch, eating.

Easy access to students available for interviewing, creates a juxtoposition as they eat their lunch whilst talking about eating disorders.

12.10 - Set up equiptment.

12.15 - Film interviews of personal experiences, asking questions or letting participants ad-lib. (approx 30 minutes max)

Location: Henley college - Art courtyard - previously planned to be filmed near exam hall but wheather conditions created too much external sound. The courtyard creates an intimate atmosphere perfect for a personal interview.

13.30 - panning shot(s) of scenery.

13.35 - Re-set up equiptment and shot to avoid external sound interference.

13.40 - interview Olivia (E.D. patient). Approx 30 minutes maximum filming.
Day 3Friday 29th October
Location: Henley college - media studio 1 - the studio is very small and ideal for an intimate interview, the shot is lit by natural lighting. The set of the room helped provide an over-the-shoulder shot.

14.40 pm - set up over-shoulder shot and check that the shot is properly lit. (approx 5 minutes maximum).

14.45 - interview Kathleen about her knowledge of eating disorders. (20 minutes maximum).

15.05 - Extreme close up shots of Kathleen. (5minutes maximum).
Day 4 Monday 1st November
Location: media Room R115 - A casual student oriented backdrop to the shot, creating a casual interview atmosphere with the natural college environment.

10.35 - Arrange backdrop to scene and set up equipment. (10 minutes maximum).

10.50 - interview with Maggie about her friends suffering with eating disorders, and having her views/opinions. (include close up shots). (30 minutes maximum).

Location: Henley College - entrance corridor to media room R115 - the brick wall creates a different backdrop for this interview than in the other shots. First male interview, aiming to get a different perspective.

12.00 - set up equipment and shot. (5 minutes maximum).

12.05 - Jordan talking about his views and opinions on eating disorders. (maximum 20 minutes).

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