Friday, 1 October 2010

Harry Potter 7 film poster

The main image in this poster is of Hogwarts castle under attack crumbling and flaming into the bleak sky. “It all ends here” is written in script at the top of the picture in illuminated in white against the dark sky behind. The colours used suggest death and hopelessness, although the light in the horizon could suggest the ending might not be as bleak as first assumed? The title is written in old fashioned style 3D type “HP7” Then in smaller typography below “Part 1” and then “Part 2” either side of the P’s tail which is in a zigzag. The credits and institutional references and release date are all listed at the bottom of the poster in the same typography style used above, to great effect. The main image reflects the film by showing the audience a glimpse of what’s to come in the films climax without giving away the plot its also a very intriguing and mysterious image that makes you want to know more. It’s target audience would be children teenagers and some adults.

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